Preppy Belt Giveaway & Blog

Preppy Belt Giveaway & Blog


An accent piece is a low-key statement that complements the rest of your outfit, contributing to a coordinated look.

A good accent belt should share some of the characteristics of the other pieces in your outfit.

Similar or matching colors is an obvious choice, and how most men generally select their belts and shoes — brown leather with brown leather, light canvas with light-colored sneakers, and so forth.

Centerpiece belts, on the other hand, are there to provide deliberate contrast.

They work best when the rest of the outfit isn’t too filled with colors and patterns. One or two bright elements are enough. More just looks gaudy.

Belts can also be used to emphasize a personal style. A plain brown belt with jeans and a blue button-down is a very generic style; the same shirt and jeans with a tooled brown belt and rodeo buckle is emphatically Western.

Once you have your basic black and brown dress belts, your collection can go any direction you please. For a shortcut to more styles, get a couple belts that take interchangeable buckles (meaning the buckle snaps in, rather than being stitched in place) — those allow you to have multiple looks with the same piece of leather.

Contest Time

We are giving away a preppy belt today to one lucky winner!

1. Follow us on Instagram @GuysNTies1 AND our great contributing friends, @boastsideusa

2. Like the current contest photo on our Instagram.

3. Comment under the contest photo why you should win this preppy belt. Make sure you tag them in your comment; "@boatsideusa"

We will randomly select a winner and announce the winner on our Instagram account when the contest has ended on Thursday, July 13, at 3pm Chicago time.

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